By downloading paper(s), I assume you are requesting a reprint for research or educational purposes. For full publication details, see Carly's Google Scholar profile
PUBLISHED/IN PRESS (trainee authors are underlined)
Dade M, Bonn A, Eigenbrod F, Felipe-Lucia M, Fisher B, Goldstein B, Holland R, Hopping K, Lavorel S, le Polain de Waroux Y, MacDonald G, Mandle L, Metzger JP, Unai P, Rieb J, Vallet A, Wells G, Ziter CD, Bennett E, Robinson B. 2025. Landscapes – A lens for assessing sustainability. (In Press) Cull CA, Guest M, Frei B, Ziter CD. 2025. Human recreational activity does not influence open cup avian nest survival in urban greenspaces. Urban Ecosystems (In Press) Sinno S, MacInnis G, Lessard JP, Ziter CD. 2024. Variation in flower morphology associated with higher bee diversity in urban green spaces. Ecological Applications e3067
Hutt-Taylor K, Kinnunen R, Bassett C, Frei B, Ziter CD. 2024. Existing evidence on the effect of urban forest management in carbon solutions and avian conservation: a systematic literature map. Environmental Evidence 13: 23
Dade M, †Richmond IC, Rieb J, Crockett E, †Hutt-Taylor K, †Sinno S, Benessaiah K, Destrempes C, Hamilton J, Izadi F, †Kroft E, †Li L, †Paulauskas M, Winkler K, Bennett E, Ziter CD. Testing a rapid assessment approach for measuring ecosystem services in urban greened laneways. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 99: 128472
Conway TM, Ordóñez C, †Richmond IC, Bock J, Su K, Pike K, Tchinda PE, Nesbitt L, Pham TTH, Ziter CD. 2024. Comparison of urban forest perceptions indicates variations in beliefs and trust across geographic settings. Ecosystems and People: 20
Locke DH, Baker M, Alonzo M, Yang Y, Ziter CD, Murphy-Dunning C, O’Neil-Dunne JPM. 2024. Variation in the relationship between urban tree canopy and air temperature reduction under a range of daily weather conditions. Heliyon 10: e25041
Mendes P, Bourgeois B, Pellerin S, Ziter CD, Cimon-Morin J, Poulin M. 2024. Linkages between plant functional diversity and soil-based ecosystem services in urban and peri-urban vacant lots. Urban Ecosystems 27:1011-1026 Kroft LE, Ziter CD. 2023. The effects of urban density on the provision of multiple health-related ecosystem services. Urban Ecosystems 27: 491–513
MacInnis G, Normandin E, Ziter CD. 2023. Decline in wild bee species richness associated with honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) abundance in an urban ecosystem. Peer J 10:e14699 (In Press)
Hutt-Taylor K, Ziter CD. 2022. Private trees contribute uniquely to urban forest diversity, structure, and service-based traits. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 78: 127760
Hutt-Taylor K, Ziter CD, Frei B. 2022. How can urban nature-based climate solutions support multiple benefits for migratory birds and species at risk: A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence (In Press) [read here]
Verrelli BC, Alberti M, Des Roches S, Harris NC, Hendry AP, Johnson MTJ, Savage AM, Charmantier A, Gotanda KM, Govaert L, Miles LS, Rivkin LR, Winchell KM, Brans KI, Correa C, Diamond SE, Fitzhugh B, Grimm NB, Hughes S, Marzluff JM, Munshi-South J, Rojas C, Santangelo JS, Schell CJ, Schweitzer JA, Szulkin M, Urban MC, Zhou Y, Ziter C. 2022. A global horizon scan for urban evolutionary ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution (In Press)
Santangelo et al. (over 250 authors including C Ziter). 2022. Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science. (In Press)
Ziter CD. Research Highlight: Cryptic eco-evolutionary feedback in the city. 2022. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:510-513 *Invited research highlight (non peer-reviewed)
Buxton RT et al. (45 authors including C Ziter). 2021. Key information needs to move from knowledge to action for biodiversity conservation in Canada. Biological Conservation (In Press)
Ziter C, Herrick B, Johnson M, Turner MG. 2021. Ready, set, go: Community science field campaign reveals habitat preferences of nonnative Asian earthworms in an urban landscape. BioScience (In Press) [PDF]
Shannon T, Ahler S, Mathers M, Ziter C, Dugan H. 2020. Road salt impact on soil electrical conductivity across an urban landscape. Journal of Urban Ecology 6: 1-8 [PDF]
McDonald R, Mansur A, Ascensao F, Colbert M, Crossman K, Elmqvist T, Gonzalez A, Guneralp B, Haase D, Hamann M, Hillel O, Huang K, Kahnt B, Maddox D, Pacheco A, Pereira H, Seto K, Simkin R, Walsh B, Werner A, Ziter C. 2020. Research gaps in knowledge of the impact of urban growth on biodiversity. Nature Sustainability 3: 16–24[PDF]
Dyson K, Ziter C, Patterson MS, Fuentes TL. 2019. Conducting urban ecology research on private property: advice for new urban ecologists. Journal of Urban Ecology 5: juz001 [PDF] * Peer J Preprint was a “Top 5 Most Viewed Article” in its subject area in 2018
Ziter C, Turner MG. 2018. No evidence of co-facilitation between a non-native Asian earthworm(Amynthas tokioensis) and invasive common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)in experimental mesocosms. Biological Invasions 21: 111-122 [PDF]
Ziter C, Turner MG. 2018. Current and historical land use influence soil-based ecosystem services in an urban landscape. Ecological Applications 28: 643-654 [PDF]
Ziter C, Graves RA, Turner MG. 2017. How do land-use legacies affect ecosystem services in United States cultural landscapes? Landscape Ecology 32: 2205-2218 [PDF] * Special Issue on Landscape Ecology in Cultural Landscapes
Rose KC, Graves RA, Hansen WD, Harvey BJ, Qiu J, Wood SA, Ziter C, Turner MG. 2017. Historical foundations and future directions in macrosystems ecology. Ecology Letters 20: 147-157 [PDF]
Ziter C. 2016. The biodiversity-ecosystem service relationship in urban areas: A quantitative review. Oikos 125: 761-768 [PDF] * Oikos "Editor's Choice" for the June 2016 Issue
Mitchell MGE, Bennett EM, Gonzalez A, Lechowicz M, Rhemtulla J, Cardille J, Vanderheyden K, Poirier-Ghys G, Renard D, Delmotte S, Albert C, Rayfield B, Dumitru M, Huang HH, Larouche M, Liss K, Maguire D, Martins K, Terrado M, Ziter C, Taliana L, Dancose K. 2015. Montérégie Connection: linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services to improve decision making. Ecology & Society 20(4):15[PDF] * Special Feature on Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS): Knowledge for Sustainable Stewardship of Social-ecological Systems
Ziter C, Bennett E, Gonzalez A. 2014. Temperate forest fragments maintain aboveground carbon stocks out to the forest edge despite changes in community composition. Oecologia 176: 893-902 [PDF]
Ziter C, Bennett E, Gonzalez A. 2013. Functional diversity and management mediate aboveground carbon stocks in small forest fragments. Ecosphere 4: art85 [PDF]
Liss K, Mitchell MGE, MacDonald GK, Mahajan S, Méthot J, Jacob AL, Maguire D, Metson G, Ziter C, Dancose K, Martins K, Terrado Casanovas M, Bennett EM. 2013. Variability in ecosystem service measurement: a case study of pollination service studies. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment11:414–422 [PDF]
Ziter C, MacDougall AS. 2013. Nutrients and defoliation increase soil carbon inputs in grassland. Ecology 94:106-116 [PDF]
Ziter C, Robinson EA, Newman JA. 2012. Climate change and voltinism in California insect pest species: sensitivity to location, scenario and climate model choice. Global Change Biology 18:2771-2780[PDF]
Ziter C. 2020. Une transition vers des villes plus vertes, dans La Releve du Quebec Pense L'Apres-Covid-19. Coordonne par Catherine Girard, Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe et Felix Mathieu. La Press.
Ziter C. 2020. To all the trees I've loved before. Plant Love Stories blog.
Ziter C, Mitchell M, Bardekjian A, Conway T, Danyluk A, Molnar M, Pachcinski M, Podur J, Schaefer V, Clark J, Murphy S. 2018. Connect Urban Planners and Urban Ecologists to Create Sustainable Canadian Cities. The Nature of Cities.
McDonald, R., Colbert, M., Hamann, M., Simkin, R., Walsh, B. (Coordinating Lead Authors), Ascensão, F., Barton, M., Crossman, K., Edgecomb, M., Elmqvist, T., Gonzalez, A., Guneralp, B., Haase, D., Hillel, O., Huang, K., Maddox, D., Mansur, A., Paque, J., Pereira, H., Pierce, J., Weller, R., Seto, K., Tan, M., Ziter, C.(Lead Authors). 2018. Nature in the Urban Century: A global assessment of important areas for safeguarding biodiversity and human well-being. Future Earth, The Nature Conservancy. [Press Release with Report Access]